When you're applying to college, you want them to know that you're an intelligent student who is well-rounded with activities, achievements, honors, and awards, right?
This is what everyone thinks about when they are completing their application but this is NOT what you should write about in your college admissions essay.
Why not?
1. Your academic record already lists these things
2. They don't tell anything about your character
3. They don't demonstrate whether you have what it takes to be successful in a new environment with new kinds of challenges.
So what should you do instead?
Showcase your intelligence through your word choice and voice in your essay. Then show your character through a very vivid story that clearly demonstrates how you'll be successful at the college level.
Easier said than done! Get this workbook that will guide you step-by-step through this process so that by the time you finish the workbook, you will have finished your college admissions essay!